Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today, Ethan had fillings done at the dentist. While under the influence of nitrous, he said he could feel something hurting. Dr. Stevens stopped and offered to numb the tooth. Ethan said he didn't want a shot because "the only thing worser than shots is Barbies". Dr. Stevens wants to put that one up on his wall. Also under nitrous, "this nose thing smells so good, I want to take it home".
Tonight, Alaina was dancing around at Jordan's riding lesson in her Mizzou cheerleader shirt, leftover from a dress-up day at school. The instructor asked her if she would be a cheerleader one day. Alaina said "No, I'm gonna be a teacher and a Mommy; I'm gonna have lots and lots of babies". How many babies will you have, the instructor asked. Alaina considered and announced "I'm gonna have ten babies!" Might be fun to quote her when she's about 25.

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