Thursday, September 11, 2008

Social Networking Acceptance Speech

OK, I'm ready to admit I like Facebook. At first I only knew two people or so and it all seemed a bit silly. But as I found more and more ways to express my interests and personality and discovered more people who had also joined Facebook it got really fun. Apparently there is a subliminal message sweeping the thirty-something crowd because two of my neighbors, two book club members and a few other friends have all joined within the past month or so. After viewing their profile pages I feel like I know so much more about each of them and we have so much to talk about. Not only do you see photos, where they came from and where they've been but what shows they like, books they read, you name it.
Then, my biggest find. I started typing in names of exchange students our family hosted over the years. I found two and one, Regina Steimel, none of us had heard from in years. When she responded and I got to see photos of her life and hear her updated life story, it was the best. Add a few high school buddies, a few family members and I have a great bunch of Facebook friends I am more up to date with than ever before.
Darn it Anna, why didn't you warn me Facebook is addictive?!? :-)

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