Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tech Nerd In Training?

We recently introduced a new effort/reward system to the kids. Some call it allowance, Dave Ramsey calls it a commission system, whatever. The big kids got their presentation Sunday afternoon and I think are very pleased with the idea. It will give them a little more money on hand to budget, along with responsibility to pay for more of their discretionary items from that money, hopefully creating a real sense of managing money and making careful purchases that will help them in the future. Andrew already has a personal account for this, and Jordan and I will open hers today, none too soon as she generally has a pile of babysitting/dogsitting cash lying about also.
Anyway, last night I called Ethan and Alaina to the table to present their responsibilities and rewards. I said something like "Come over here, I have a new system to present to you." At the exact second it came out I thought, "now that sounds nerdy", just as Ethan bolted up from his toys and hurried over saying "New system? Mom I love it when you say things like new system. That gets me all excited." Oh, my!

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