Sunday, August 17, 2008

Living On A Prayer

  1. Well, you know how cats just have kittens in all kinds of crazy places and poor circumstances yet they mostly seem to have no problems? When Juno appeared with junk in her trunk yesterday morning, she had jumped down from a shelf about as high as I am tall to come see us. That water broke and yet nothing happened the rest of yesterday.
    This morning she was clearly trying to labor but five hours later nothing. We were getting worried so called our neighbor/vet and asked his advice and did some research online. About that time baby number one was born, very small and not alive. We're pretty sure that was the one whose sac broke yesterday and that Juno went into premature labor when she made that jump. Number two, little black and white, arrived and I broke the sac and put it by momma as she seemed a little confused still. It is so tiny and got so cold. Ethan ran to his room and brought his I Want To Be A Vet book and informed me we could take care of it. Another call to David the vet and while he says preemies are hard to save he gave us some tips and we decided to do our best.
    We have a heat lamp from Ethan's triop (sea monkey) experiment so rigged that up and dabbed a bit of pancake syrup on his tongue for quick energy. Then I explained to Ethan and Alaina that this baby may or may not live and fielded the barrage of questions they had. Soon two gray tabbies arrived. I had to break their sacs also and cut the cord for one, but once I placed them by her, momma did great. Then a lull while we gave them sugar boosts, changed their bedding and got each one to nurse. Half an hour later, orange tabby appeared, the biggest of the tinies.
    Wish us luck and that momma is finished. Bill's research says the more hair the better (they have all but on their ears and lower legs), less wrinkled skin/more filled out is better (they look like shar-pei's), and that if they will nurse their overall maturity is hopeful (all are nursing!!!). Will keep you posted.

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